
Showing posts from September, 2014

A Letter to my Baby's Budding Teeth

Dear (presumably pearly) whites, I don't know what's taking you so long, but seriously, it's time for you to get here already. I'm a little tired of waking up every morning and looking for you with even more anticipation than my child will have for the tooth fairy when you decide to fall off.  I couldn't have been more excited when my baby started teething at 3 months (with buds and everything), early by most standards, as I thought you would arrive early and relieve him from this long drawn teething process. But apparently, there's no way to tell how long you're going to take to finally make your way out. Here we are 4 and a half months, many teething rings, chewed carrots, and sleepless nights later, still wondering what the hell is taking so long! While it's cute to watch him shake his head from side to side, hoping that the wind will act like a teether and bring him some relief, it's not cute to know that he is doing this out of annoyance with th...

Interview with Smart Indian Women:

Hi, For those who wish to know more about me, here is an interview I recently did about my blog, my career and why I write. More to come! -TKV

5 Ways to (or not to) sleep train your baby

Sleep training like most things related to motherhood is controversial because there are so many ways to do it, and since each baby is different, every mother whose child has ever slept through the night, thinks they have the formula. So, I'm not going to hash on about what's right or wrong, I'm going to instead tell you about the four schools of thought on sleep training your child - from not really sleep training at all, to a no cry solution, pick up/ put down, to cry it out, because I've really tried them all.  My son fights his sleep like a little wrestler and so I've been through all stages of this and finally came up with my own way hybrid that worked well for me (the Fifth way), by combining the different techniques so that I didn't have to step too far out of my comfort zone, or deal with too many tears (mine, I mean).  (Note: sleeping through the night for all medical experts means 5 continuous hours only. That gives parents a few minutes to sleep by th...

12 Things New Moms Do Not Want to Hear:

New moms have to deal with enough - the lack of sleep, along with the recovering body, the pain of nursing (for some), and the hormonal fluctuations are enough to have anyone's head spinning. On top of that, we are constantly fielding unsolicited advice, strangers trying to touch our children (seriously, why!!), and statements from people who may be well meaning, but are definitely not putting themselves in our position before they open their mouths. Below are the 12 most annoying things that I've had to hear as a new mom. 12 Things New Moms Don't Want to Hear: 1. "Normal labor can't be that bad." Pain is subjective, as is what defines "normal" labor. How bad it is or was depends on how long you were in labor, how quickly your child descended, when you took medications (if any), if you got an episiotomy or tore, along with a bunch of other things including your own stress level. Just because you didn't have a c-section doesn't mean you got of...