29 Things About your Newborn baby that New and Expecting Moms Should Know:
Congratulations Mom! Or almost mom. You have alot to look forward to, and your life is about to change, permanently. But ofcourse, you knew that. Here are some things you may not have known and should be aware of, about your new born baby. For more about your pregnancy, or labor and delivery , click here. 29 Thing to Know About Your Baby, at Birth: 1. Yes, your baby is the cutest in the world! But rest assured (incase you get a little freaked out), he or she is just going to keep getting cuter... And you may eventually look back and admit that newborns do look a little alien-ish. 2. They have dry peeling skin (and even lips), which gets worse in the first few weeks. It's from suddenly having to deal with air after being in a pool for 9 months. 3. They have lanugo, which often falls off by 3-4 months. Note, some kids are just hairy, my son's moustache turned out to be genetic and not lanugo! But ofcourse it's still adorable! Cone head! 4. Have you heard of the c...