10 life lessons learned from toddlerhood:
In the world where we are teaching our children the basics of eating, steady walking and turning sounds into words, we often get too caught up to notice all the things that our children are able to teach us. While our babies and tots cannot show us how to walk or talk, they remind us in many different ways that the things that are truly important in life are not how many milestones have been hit, or how many dresses our daughters have. Below are 10 life lessons I have learned from my toddler. For l ife lessons that you can pick up from your infant or 15 life lessons you learn in the first year or parenting, click here. The joys of toddlerhood 10 Life Lessons learned from Toddlerhood: 1. To really live in the moment There's no regret, there's no stress, and often there's a touch of ADHD, but it's all centered around what is going on around them at the present and taking in all the sites, sounds, views and stimulation around them. Always present.. 2. It doesn't mat...