
Showing posts from April, 2016

16 first trimester symptoms, that you should know about:

If you are a first time mom you should definitely know what to expect, and below are some very common first trimester symptoms that you may not be aware of until you experience them. However, if you are a second time, third or even tenth time mom, you should still know about these, because you (like me), have likely forgotten what it felt like until you were in it all over again (thank you, pregnancy brain, because if you hadn't wiped my memory clean I wouldn't have signed up for this again so agreeably). 16 First trimester symptoms that every expecting mom should know about:  1. Nausea and how: I know a few lucky people who skip this stage, but for more than 60% of us, "morning sickness" kicks in around 6 weeks, tends to occur at all times of day, and leaves at the end of the first trimester. For a lucky few, it stays until the end. Diclegis (also called doxinate or doxylamine, which is made from vitamins and an antihistamine and is a blessing for morning sickness),...