12 Second trimester symptoms and how to deal with them:
The second trimester, often referred to as the best one, offers relief when it comes to some of the pesky first trimester symptoms like nausea and frequent urination (don't get too comfy, this will come right back with a vengeance). However, there are a number of other symptoms you should be on the look out for, and some tips on how to deal with them if they do come for you. For first trimester symptoms and tricks click here, and keep in mind that many of these do stay with you throughout. 12 second trimester symptoms that every expecting mom should know: 1. Back pain: Your center of gravity is no longer centered and there is increased pressure on your spine, which can cause pain. Often times though the discomfort is from sciatica which radiates up and down your legs, and there is a simple stretch you can do that does offer relief and helps you get some sleep at night. This one below is as simple as it looks but make sure to lean forward and press down on your knee. Sleeping with...