25 things every Nursing mom should know:
Nursing, for those who are willing to try, has been worth the pain, stress, sleeplessness and sacrifices. No judgement to those who decide otherwise, because it has definitely not been easy trying to ensure that my children are exclusively breast fed for as long as possible before I go insane. I made it to 5 months with each child before introducing semi-solids, and to a year with my son before I introduced another cow's milk (yes, I am the first cow in this scenario). It is a thing of mathematical insanity though at this point to ensure that I pump more than I feed her when she gets bottles and there are days she gets many as I am up and about with my son at school, in classes and at birthdays, either dragging her along just so I can nurse her both ways in the car, or leaving her at home with bottles. Whichever way you cut it, nursing is a commitment of time, of your body, and most of all - of patience. There are numerous things you can do to ensure that you are keeping your ...