
Showing posts from February, 2017

10 tips on recovering from child birth:

Nobody tells you that you will probably go home in diapers too. I often hear moms discussing their labor experiences, and even telling moms to be about how wonderful (yes, somehow I have heard a few - okay,  only one-  person say this), or over rated or even horrific their labor experience has been. However, I rarely, if ever, hear anyone discuss their post partum experience. We like to focus on the positives - the baby, and on what we are doing for the baby, but we dismiss the most important component: ourselves and our amazing bodies that have literally created and brought those babies into the world (and yes, that's valid no matter which way your child came out). I recently read that it takes 2 years for our bodies to completely recover from pregnancy and child birth, and some of us have multiple pregnancies within a 2 year span, so it is a long road to recovery and one that should not be so easily dismissed or forgotten. The immediate aftermath is particularly stressful as...