
Showing posts from May, 2017

9 natural ways to safely induce labor:

It's quite a waiting, and even a guessing game - trying to know when your baby will be born. 80% of babies are born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation (with gestation being calculated from the Last Menstrual Period, i.e., LMP, or from the due date given at your nuchal scan in the first trimester.) Your babies gender could give you more of a clue as baby girls (due to their smaller size), and smaller babies tend to be born later, as do babies to parents who are under 30 years old. Babies to first time parents, also tend to have a longer gestation than subsequent siblings - so if you are expecting a second or third one, you can expect them to arrive a little sooner than your elder one did. In the long run, it doesn't matter if your baby is one of the 9% who are born on their due date, if they were a few days early, or many days late. However, during pregnancy, the waiting game can feel a lot more stressful than it will when you look back. You are likely uncomfortable, sleepless...